# Busy People Budget My wife and I share a common goal: secure $1,000,000 in assets, with no debt, in the next 10 years. We needed a way to communicate progress without getting bogged down on the details of whether a $3.12 Walmart purchase should be categorized as Groceries or Toiletries & Home. Historically, we've used [Soulver 3](https://soulver.app/) for financial calculations and record keeping; e.g. tax liability of exercising stock, birthday party budgets, vacation budgets, and why a second mortgage is (not) a financially sound decision. Naturally, I turned to Soulver to create a monthly financial summary. The process involved documenting the value of our assets, liabilities, account balances, and forecasted income/expenses. The summary successfully enabled us to share a mutual understanding of our finances without requiring a budget meeting. [You Need a Budget](https://ynab.com) (YNAB) is our budgeting app of choice, and it offers an Application Programming Interface (API) to access financial data programmatically. I realized the account balances in the monthly summary are accessible via the YNAB API, so I decided to automate our financial summary using the Go programming language. The [Busy People Budget](https://github.com/cassamajor/budget) is designed to provide personalized insights into financial health with only a few lines of code. The tool includes net worth calculation, built-in reports, and offers the flexibility to create a custom financial summary. The README contains example code and a tutorial; let me know your thoughts through GitHub Issues and Pull Requests!